Conall Buchanan has significant experience in governance and senior leadership roles across rural, corporate, and not-for-profit organisations in New Zealand and overseas.
In addition to being Chair of the Waikato Farmers Trust, Conall is also Chair of the Fonterra Directors Remuneration Committee and holds board roles with Hauraki District Council and Paeroa College. He has also previously led the national sharemilkers organisation and served on Fonterra’s Shareholder Council.
A fifth-generation farmer, Conall brings a strong rural perspective to the Waikato Farmers Trust and a deep understanding of the important role farming plays not only in rural communities, but the wider social and economic fabric of New Zealand.
Conall farms 1100 cows near Paeroa and has business interests in New Zealand and Chile. He also has a particular interest in optimising environmental outcomes from interactions with rural, urban, and marine activity.
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Maori proverb